Misery Chronicles
Something's been bugging me. Not quite literally, but something has been. I'd reckon it's more than just one thing, it's a couple. Possibilities of it being more than just a couple just bugs me more. Again, not quite literally, but yes it leave me jittery.
Sometimes, things here are written in extreme perspectives. <---It's my way of saying, it's not as bad as it sounds. Thing is, I like to make things look dramatic at times; It gives a better look overall to my subject, and makes it more well-defined. But the keyword here's sometimes. Other times, what's been said sounds more gentle than it really is. Just to make a point.
Mumble-bumble,mumbo jumbo. I'm trying to create melodramatic tongue-tanglers here. That's how "creative" I'm feeling now. This includes the word I just came up with, that word just up there. This, there, honey it's everywhere.
Let's be clear here: I don't even know how to pronounce it in the first place. I do know it's a lovely tune. Cause apart from the one thing that usually attracts me to a song, it's the other that's grabbed me this time round. The spoken words. Again, there is a word for it already. I choose not to use it though. It's my way of making things ambiguous. I've most probably lost you by now. What's the use of this text then, one might ask, since no one's here to read to the rest of the writing?
Cause I do know, someone somewhere out there actually gives a damn about what I'm saying. And trust me, it's from someone I didn't expect too, someone who I never thought would be even remotely interested in listening to me. No you, not you. Yes, you. You.
Then again, I don't know you now do I?
Bloody tongue tanglers. It's not a recognised word yet, it would be though pretty soon. In the meantime don't fuss about it, I'm sure you know what it means.
I was told my soul was old
why can’t I understand it all
if my soul was really old
I wonder if i could change this world
Life has given my obstacles
still I bite my tongue say it’s wonderful
I’m just glad I’m still around
but I’m even more glad when things are down
I won't tell if you won't.