"I don't regret a thing I've done. I only regret the things I didn't do." Ingrid Bergman
It's a kind of life I couldn't live in, one where I'll sit and ask meself,"Why didn't I do it? Why didn't I do that? Why?"
These essentially are the questions that can lead a strong-willed person to his grave quivering, wondering how different things would have been.
I sit back, and I think about all the things I've done as a person, an individual. There are so many things I did that never yielded the outcome I desired. So many.
And I remember the things I didn't do. Even right now writing this, I have a heavier heart thinking about the things I never did. I mean yes, some of it eventually would wear off, but there are one or 2 that just, depresses.
It was a week ago where I saw how courageous I can be, and that I could make someone long for me. And I felt the connection, the twirling of the wavy hair, the stolen glances. And I left the place, without even looking to fulfill the desire I had within me, to go up, and steal her.
I sat in the car, thinking, pondering. "Should I do it? I wanna do it, but this fear, it grapples. This fear, it paralyses. It's paralysing me."
I wrote my number on a paper, deciding that I'd just drop it in her bag and hope that she would find it and figure it was me who left it in there. Right now, to think that I decided to settle on that meager, pathetic thought just sickens me, especially knowing what I did next.
The words, the ones that came out of my mouth, gosh, I surprised myself really. The next thing, she was sitting beside me, in the car.
I did it, I fuckin' did. It. I did. Un-fuckin'-believable. And I had no regrets whatsoever towards the eventual outcome, cause I knew it was better than to have done nothing at all. It's crazy, I'm insane. This world, is just unbelievable. and i did it.
This fear, I overcame it. Cause all it ever did was hold me back. It's all it ever does, and I freed my soul. Fear was my master, now it's my fuckin' puppet. And I'm controlling it.
So puppet, dance. Dance puppet, dance.