Monday, 21 April 2008

Decipher It

Sometimes things aren't as straight forward as it seems. That's why we have to read more into it.

Read between the lines
Sometimes, things aren't as what they seem to be. That's why we have to reserve judgement.
Play down perception
Son, nothing's what it seems

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Free Spirit

Sometimes this serve as reminders. That's why it's recorded, to remind. Me.
Sometimes when you feel that life is wrapping itself around you too tightly, causing restrictions on you, it's time to stop whatever that you're doing, and just relax.
Now, feel that sense of liberation. Feel those tense muscles relaxing. It's this rush of calmness you feel. Like something in you is oozing and making it's way around your mind, to your arms, and all the way down.
Whenever you feel that it's too many things that you're carrying on your shoulders, throw everything on the ground. It doesn't matter what happens to it cause, this is something you have to learn. Simply, take one thing at a time. Don't be so gung-ho. It doesn't help your cause.
One thing at a time
Maroon 5:
The battles almost won
And we're only several miles from the sun
Calm, one thing at a time
And when all fails, just enjoy the ride you're on.
Let life take you for a ride.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

From One To Another

Sometimes, you just have these days. You know, this "one-of-those-days" kind of feeling. The feeling when things aren't as bright as it really is. When things don't feel the way it's supposed to feel. When things don't go the way you want it to.

Against nature

It's been pretty warm these days, with the rain pouring you still feel this warm-wet feeling. "It's humidity," they say. "It's Singapore," others will say.
You know what I say?
It's one of those days
Relations with words and phrases don't usually match, but like fragmented pieces of a huge picture, they can portray a visualisation that confuse many. It's this confusion that lures curiousity in. "What is he saying?" some might ask.
And sometimes, people say that love is blind when opposites attract each other.
Honey, love isn't blind. We choose to blind ourselves by it.
Love is love. Period

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

One Day

"It might mean nothing to you, but it means the world to me.
He might mean nothing to you, but to me, it was the highlight of my year, a year blighted by everything but happiness. One of the best things that has happened in my life.
In a way, no one sees how much he means to me. But you know, it's alright. It doesn't matter what you think of it, cause I know how much he means to me, and that's all that matters"
I stood there, and remained still.
You have no idea how much it means to him.

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Time, The Separator

Look at what we've become..
Looks like we've gone to our own separate paths..
Only pictures rekindle the memories
But like a mirage, it stirs up images of what we want to see in our minds

It's not really there, is it?
Desperate images, of what was, and what we want,
or at least, what I want

But this reignition of fear will go astray once we look at the clear picture

Nothing lasts forever.

Friday, 4 April 2008

Notes From The Lighter Side

You tend to look at yourself, and you tell yourself, discreetly within, " Wow, I can't believe what I've become."

A birds-eye view of yourself, like you being able to see yourself doing your normal routines, handling each step you take and each situation you face. And when you think about how you used to be, and when you look at yourself now, it's the smile on your face that shows how much you've changed.
It's that smile on your face which will show how much you've changed your own life.

Sometimes people thank God for giving them the strength to come out of horrid situations unscathed, sometimes they thank their family for lending them their support. They thank everyone, but themselves.
When you get out of a bad patch in life, don't forget to thank yourself. Thank yourself for being who you are, the fighter in you who never wanted to admit defeat. There's a winner in all of us, we just need to go through tests to see it for ourselves.

Go ahead, smile all you want about it. Yes, you feel happy seeing the person you're so very proud of in the mirror. You feel happy looking at everything you have now that you never use to have. You feel, happy when you look at how well things are going on for you. You feel happy, to have the life you worked so hard for.
Go ahead, celebrate. You deserve it. Enjoy it, revel in the moment, but remember this:
This won't last forever, so cherish it while it does.

Cause nothing lasts forever, but we can enjoy every single bit of it while we still have it with us.