Tuesday 15 April 2008

From One To Another

Sometimes, you just have these days. You know, this "one-of-those-days" kind of feeling. The feeling when things aren't as bright as it really is. When things don't feel the way it's supposed to feel. When things don't go the way you want it to.

Against nature

It's been pretty warm these days, with the rain pouring you still feel this warm-wet feeling. "It's humidity," they say. "It's Singapore," others will say.
You know what I say?
It's one of those days
Relations with words and phrases don't usually match, but like fragmented pieces of a huge picture, they can portray a visualisation that confuse many. It's this confusion that lures curiousity in. "What is he saying?" some might ask.
And sometimes, people say that love is blind when opposites attract each other.
Honey, love isn't blind. We choose to blind ourselves by it.
Love is love. Period


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