Tuesday, 14 December 2010

The Thought

And so I thought to myself, it was time to come back here and start something again. Something new, fresh. The total opposite from the staleness of yesteryear. Actually it was just yesterweek, so to speak. You get it.

It's not been much. Well, somethings' did change, and a lot stayed the same. But I'm still heavy hearted right now. Let's not go there I feel a heavy head coming.

I told myself, that it was time to come here. Cause being away from here for too long gives me a heaviness that makes me heave. Not a sigh of relief, mind you not until I'm here at least. But yes, I do miss this place a lot. It feels so homely being here. I really wished I could live in here. Cause it's dark, it's green. And it's so poetic. In my own way, of course. I love this place.

Me, and my fantasies.

I think if I stayed here longer I'm gonna start being sentimental and all. Let a light aid me in this.

"Those lights"

Dim lamps, illuminating these dark streets and black walkways.
I once took a picture of those, aligned symmetrically to please and tease the eye.
My eyes were teased, my picture was made to please.

And it reminded me, of the work of Micheal Kenna.
A beautiful picture, that was teased to please.

Give me the light, Kenna. Cause to me it said,
let there be light.

It does totally suck, the feeling. This is, for the record.

And so I thought the thought. That, all the world's a stage, and all the men and women, merely players.

You played me, player.



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