Monday 15 November 2010


It's pretty laid back now. A somewhat nauseating breakfast, it was all good at the start though. Ha ha, I guess I got pretty greedy. Oh well, the tea's fucked up. Let there be light.

I would like it to be opened, not literally, but metaphorically by someone. To just captivate me with your senses, and how you read me as much as I do you. Cause I do you, read, and at times it sucks to feel certain things. But I've told myself something. And, as much as possible, I don't wanna deviate myself away from it. I guess that's when a checklist becomes a necessity. Keeps me reminded, and on track.


It really isn't easy, for me, to be patient. I really have a thin line when it comes to this. I guess things can really get under my skin easily. Not just anything, but when it comes to certain situations involving certain people I know.

Come to think of it, I feel weak realising that things can get under my skin easily. I feel shameful if I'd be quite honest with ya. Gosh, how pathetic is that?

If a title says a lot about a book, this entry's title could just be fitting. Kudos, bindek. Kudos.

Does sound very, "Land-of-the-rising-sun-ish", doesn't it? Sounds like a form of martial arts.

"I've got loads to tell ya
I just can't translate my thoughts,
into words."



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