Monday, 22 November 2010


It's gotten big, I'd say. Not huge, ginormous. But still, it's something big for me.

There's not much to it, but the act itself is.

There's a lot to it, the act. But the act itself is quite simple. It's the buildup to it, that's key. All the thinking, decision making, pondering if it's the right thing to do, and the right way to say it, and the right words to use, gosh.

Nothing's for certain, it's certainly uncertain times here.

I guess the similarities being shared is the one thing that got me to do it. And the comfort I get. It's not easy to share these similarities, not easy difficult very very difficult. Yet, it's not impossible. I guess, nothing is. Impossible. Nothing.

It's certainly not my style to talk about very recent happenings here, I kinda think it gives the impression that I'm demanding for something. Not really an impression then, is it? Shut up.

Really, it's not a demand. If anything, it's just my head unable to keep a lid on it. And trust me, I'm being as vague here as possible. If anything, it's not what it seems.

This time? I guess it is.

Let's see where this brings me. Let's not get too far ahead, nothing's even began yet.
Let's see what this brings me. It could be nothing, it could be something.

The feeling in me? There might be something here. I dunno.

I'm waiting. Been so for quite a while.
I'm waiting. Will be.



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