Thursday, 30 April 2009


I'm finding it hard to make a start. Like in every situation I've been in, I've always had difficulties making starts. Maybe that's the reason first impressions of me aren't usually positive ones. I'm not going to cry a river though, somehow things fall into place for me. If it's meant to happen, somehow, it will. I won't be sweating on it, definitely ain't gonna worry my life away. There, that counts for a start. Right?

It's movie night once again. Movies weren't ever really my thing, I'm picking it up though. It's really beautiful to watch life being acted out brilliantly on screen. I'm usually a sucker for emotional stuff, but I like being friendly too so a few good laughs and being scared senseless does good too. It's all about the vibe, some days I want to laugh, some days I want to be touched. Today, I wanted to feel. I felt. Breathless at times.

And to think that I could have actually been one of them there. And to feel the suspense of not knowing what lies ahead, days are numbered. Being a believer of the never ending path of life even though I have days finding it difficult fathoming how it's even possible, it was certainly horrid to have that sinking feel. It's the horrid sinking feel. Like a rock tied to your feet, drowning you in gallons of water, it's the sinking feel.

Moved, moved I was. As the sinking continued moved I was to see a friendship formed amidst all accusations. Courage, a will to think on them 2 feet. Fantastic I say, absolutely fantastic. And my glass's running dry.

You feel the heat running down your throat, a burning desire so to speak, encouraging the flames to heat you up. A warmth, a proven way of keeping thyself warm around all this cold. And when the lust dies down, it's the only companion you'll have that's capable of keeping you warm. It's the lust that rusts deep within.

I was the one you always dreamed of
You were the one I tried to draw
How dare you say it's nothing to me
Baby, you're the only light I ever saw

The guitar's bitchin' away
Let it bitch
Bitch all you want bitch
Just leave it bitchin'
Don't stop, it's my life support don't cut it off

Don't cut it off

Leave it
Let it
Help me float


Into your


Anonymous hidhir said...

eyy all this movies you talk of tell me la.. if it's downloaded better still! hahaha.. take care yea

4 May 2009 at 02:37  
Blogger Ravinder Singh said...

Hahah, really man the movie was real good, called The Boy In Striped Pyjamas. Haha, yes it is downloaded ;). Haha take care man

4 May 2009 at 09:54  

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