Sunday, 24 October 2010

Realism of Morphing Dreams

Crazy, it's crazy weather. But oh so good it feels right now, the cold wind blowing subtly in your face. And you know this won't last. Oh no hon it won't last forever, like every one moment you go through. So live in it. Live in, the moment. I was. Fantastic, couldn't ask for more. And even if I wanted to, I was being realistic.

To round of a week like this, it would be quite a task. Really, there's no point on where to begin. I've not got much to start with, but I'd say it hasn't been perfect. Far from it I'd say, but there's always positives to look at.

So yes, all the determination and effort did pay off. Being the best, and not just getting the title, but earning it was one of the sweetest things the week has brought me. I'd say that I'm honestly proud of the achievement, and now a token of proof that I really did earn the title would cap it all off. I really do mean it, I'd wanna have something to take back. To show me, that I did it. I did it.

As I said, there's not much to bring up here. It's a different life on that island, and I feel like fish outta water when reality kicks in. But it's reality I live in, it'll just take a little time to get used to it all over again. Peace of mind, I need that. It's not too easy to function without it it really isn't. Again, time will bring this boil back down to a simmer. I'm gettin' a little impatient though.

And the dreams I've been having, well it's been similar to the dreams of old. But this time, when I take the time to reflect on it, it's quite surreal. One minute I'm with someone the next they've morphed into another person my dreamy mind don't realise. Not until I think about the nights' happenings that I do realise, and it's quite freaky really, but that's how my mind works when reality takes a break. I've been too real that now, I wanna be pseudo. I don't wanna be that all the time, so yes, it's an art of balancing. An art I consider quite deceiving, yet at times it comes in handy. So far this form of escapism is quite a thrill. Cause sometimes, the truth ain't worth shit. Sometimes.

It's one more week to go, and then I'll have to get myself adjusted to the current life. The real one. It's becoming a drag cause not much is going the way I hope for, but I should just remain positive. Cause after all, one day has 24 hours. It's not as if there's a machine to stop day horrors turning into night melodies. That's what I keep at the back of my mind. No matter how dull something can get, it'll soon be all over.

The good days are ahead of me, I know it is. Right now I just need to focus on the task at hand. Right now, I need extra effort and motivation to get this phase out of the way. Right now, I don't need anyone else except myself.

Right now? The bed's calling. Let there more morphed dreams ahead.
Till then? Keep the love going.


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