Thursday, 12 August 2010


The beauty of it is, when I'm in the process of huffing and puffing, so many things come to my head. So many thoughts, so many ideas, so many philosophical stuff. It's not as if I don't get any of these when I'm not, but that's the beauty of it.

&When I try to come up with a reason to explain my actions, there's none. Nothing, nada whatsoever. There's is literally no reason why I do it. No reason to explain why I do what I'm doing; I just do it.

The issue here is that, firstly I don't know if you can call it an issue, but I need to have a reason behind every action. In simple terms every action has it's intention, the reason why you'd do something. But in this case there's none. Nothing, nada whatsoever. It's pretty disturbing, at the same time, quite puzzling and unique.

I do know that eventually, I would have figured the reason why. In the meantime though I'll just have to content myself with this emptiness in me head. It could actually be my head blocking the reason, so come on Headie, unblock it. Show me the good stuff son.

And yes, it's that time of the year again. The time where ashes fly everywhere, burnt incense fill the air and pavements get damaged. Nono they're no arsonist. Just worshipers.

It can be quite a surreal month, this time of the year. Cause when it plays with your head, you really don't know what's real and what's the opposite. You can't fully trust your eyes, cause your sight might be hindered by certain perceptions and experiences. I ain't gonna give much away, but it's just a month to be cautious. For all you know I might not be real, just a figment, of your always-vivid imagination.

I've never been real. I'm make belief. But I've been made to believe that, my experiences are.
Therefore I am.

I'd love to be a figment of your imagination.
I'd love to not be real.
It takes the edge of things, don't ya think?



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