Saturday, 9 January 2010


I'm just sick of so many things. Not ill sick, just sick to my stomach. Antics, rules, senseless obligations. Sick. To the stomach.

Neurotic's the word to describe what I've been like during the first week of the year. Just complete highs, and depressing lows, to being numbed from time to time. When will all this stop? Really, I have no clue.

I've realised that so many things that has been said here has all been about the lowliness I've been experiencing. It's honestly true, this is how things have been for me. To top it all of, I'm experiencing by far the worst 2 years of my life. Aimless, degrading, everything associated with a decision forced upon me.

I keep telling myself to not think about all this, and yes, when I don't concentrate on these meager issues it really does feel different. But once it creeps into me, when I lose concentration to keep it out in the first place, it just drags me down. All the way down. All the fucking way down. Down, down, down into the fucking ground.

It's lifeless really, what I'm going through now. The ideal way to deal with it is to be numb. Feel no misery, show no remorse. It really is unlike me to show no emotions, so you can imagine how low I'm already stooping. There really is no other way though, and I'm only talking about one thing.

The rest of the stuff I've been going through, well, I just wish I could have someone who would really put their arms around me and squeeze me hard. Cause I have so much that's stuck in me, like I've got potential, but I'm not being pushed hard enough.

Yearnings, wishes of what could be. And now, even the most simplest of tasks are a challenge. Cause things have only been going one way, I feel so out of touch with things from the other side. Cause the other side seems ages away now, that's how much I've been losing. Ages, that's the key. It indicates a timeframe, ambiguous as usual, that's the style.

&Somehow the music player has reached my favourite part of the album. Where all songs are so soft it blows you away in ways you can't imagine. I could sleep to this I honestly could, such calmness and serenity. I can't imagine meeting someone like you; Dreams would never be the same again.

Take me away. Far far away, where no one can find me. Far far away, where civilisations are non-existant. Where I'm the first to see the sun and the last to see the sun. Where the stars are within grasps, and the moonlight illuminates my world. And you, you be beside me. Telling me everything's alright. And that, you will always be here no matter how bad things get. And that you belief in what I'm doing and you belief in me. And you belief in what we have, cause belief is what I need. Right now, and I ain't getting any. Cause I've given up in some aspects. It's more of realising I've been making a bad investment of my time. Yet deep down I do harbour hopes, right now I just do not, do not give a fuck, give a fuck.

There's no satisfaction in anything.
Show me the light once more.


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