Monday, 19 September 2011

Breakfast @ 1317

"Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry." - Radiohead

Another good book title? Yes, I can come up with a few, and honestly, thank goodness it sounds better than most Asian authors. At least to me it does.

It's the same with band names. You take Asian band names and compare it to their westers counterparts; It's nowhere as creative and unique-sounding as non-asian bands.

We're too limited in our thinking. I mean, maybe our physical movement can be limited, but it's happening mentally as well. I just don't enjoy knowing that as a fact. And yes, I'm talking about the country I hail from.

It's mediocre. The way we're brought up. At the end of the day, this country wasn't build for us. It never was. Industrialisation back in the 60s of the 20th century was done to exhibit how good an investment it would be for foreign firms to set up their businesses here. It started all the back in the 60s, progressed "humbly" to the 80s and 90s where the big boom of foreign firms came into play.

Nothing has changed. Now, they've got the developed Sentosa, the resorts, the events. All to cater, and attract foreigners. The locals hardly go to places like these. It's like, they're telling us in a subtle way that Western is the way to go, it's always the way to go, and Westerners are the ones we should strive to be.

It's not that I disagree. In fact, I agree wholeheartedly, to a certain extent. I tend to look up to the western philosophy a lot more than the Asian ones. I feel that I fit in there more. And I can totally adapt to the lifestyle, because it is a life. It's not all about slugging it out everyday and night to make ends meet, which is the Asian way. And us Asians think it's being lazy not to. Wrong. It's living life, cause life ain't all about work and no play. For me it isn't.

This life we're living, it's only limiting us. Cause the mind is such a beautiful thing; It can give you freedom, without any social stigmas, without any regimental restrictions.

"The guy next to you might be smiling, but for all you know, he's telling you to fuck off." - The Beautiful Mind, having breakfast, @ 1317.


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