Saturday, 24 February 2007


"If I lie to him, he'll not get mad at me."
"If I lie to her, she'll not get mad at me."
"Oh I'll just shut up. It's not a big deal anyways."
Sometimes, this is how relationships work. Lying. Deceiving.
Telling yourself that," Nah it's ok. It's just a small matter. I don't have to tell her." only creates more problem for yourself. You know why? Because, there's no honesty.
You see, sometimes, it's better to lie than to tell. But realise this: One lie will lead to a bigger lie to cover up the previous lie made, and that, well, you know where this will go.
Be honest. If you feel that there's something wrong tell your partner. It might be trivial to you but to your partner, you're helping him/her open their eyes and realise a mistake they might have unknowingly made. And yes, sometimes, it's not wrong to make a mountain out of a moehil. You know why? Because it will show your partner how goofy you can be. And yes, laughing at your mistakes is the best way to keep your egos aside.
Come on. Keep your relationship honest. Don't keep thing away. Yes if you had kissed someone else, tell him/her. It might sound crazy but just remember, if you're daring enough to do that, then you must be daring enough to face the consequences of your action.


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