All that Matters
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Thoughts, swirl
"They say that it would never happen, that we will never come here. Well, open your eyes cause we are here, we are alive in Singapore" Extract from the mouth of number 8, Corey Taylor"
If you're 555 then I'm 666"Excerpts. from Vol.3: The Subliminal Verses:
"I don't know why I never told you†I don't know why I never tried†When we shed these bitter skins again†All the reasons came to life†But now it's over...
‡I don't know why you never asked me†I don't know why you never cared†When we hide these little sins again†All the reasons have to die†But now it's over...†No!"
"Bury the present and squeeze out the past†The ones you endear to never last"
"Blood on the paper and skin on my teeth†Trying to commit to what's beneath†To find the time is to lose the momentum†You learn the lessons and immediately forget them"
"I'm just another blank page -- Push the button, pull the rage"
"I am all, but what am I?†Another number that isn't equal to any of you†I control, but I comply†Pick me apart, then pick up the pieces†I'm uneven"
"I'm getting tired of drowning the constant†Cry for help -- It's debatable†The only reason that you love is I'm hated by all"
"This is not my war - This not my fight†This is something more - This is not my life†(This is not my) Revolution†(This is not my) Convolution†(This is not my) Expectation†(This is not my) Desperation"
"I'm sick - of being the butt of a cosmic joke†And I don't get the punch line"
"I'm the pariah(break me)†I am the liar(save me)"
"I've wished for this, I've bitched for that†I've left behind this little fact†You cannot kill what you did not create"
"I guess I'll save the best for last†My future seems like one big past†You're left with me cause you left me no choice"
"Leave me all the pieces, then you can leave me alone†Tell me the reality is better than the dream†But I found out the hard way - Nothing is what it seems"
"Tell me everything's gonna be alright†Cause I don't think I'll make it through the night"
"I've come so far I'm behind again†Follow me†I wish so hard I'm there again†Follow me
‡All that I wanted are things I had before†All that I needed, I never needed more"
"Distractions, reactions†The only way to go is to go away†Discarded, retarded†Before I let you go, you have to let me"
"You shouldn't wall us up with your apathy†But you did - Now you're the only growing enemies"
"Much to my surprise, I will wake up†And follow the path of the ones I am made of†But this time... I won't give†I will save you from my sins"
"How many times do I have to mistreat you?†Constantly biting my hand as I feed you‡Maybe now you'll understand severity†I'll sum it up with the best amount of brevity"
"Carve my name in my face - to recognize†Such a pheromone cult to terrorize"
"I'm a slave and I am a master†No restrains and unchecked collectors‡I exist through my need - to self-oblige†She is something in me that I despise"
"She isn't real - I can't make her real""I can only be as real as I can"
"I can't walk alone any longer†I fight for the ones who can't fight†And if I lose, at least I tried!"If I have to give my life. You can have it"
"I won't leave the truth be perverted†And I won' leave another victim deserted"
"We fight til no one can fight us†We live and no one can stop us†We pull when we're pushed too far"
"We never had to fight in the first place†We only had to spit back in their face†We won't walk alone any longer†What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger"
"I'm smeared across the page and doused in gasoline†I wear you like a stain, Yet I'm the one who's obscene"
"I'm ripped across the ditch and settled in the dirt†And I wear you like a stitch, yet I'm the one who's hurt"
"My end, it justifies my means†All I ever do is delay†My every attempt to evade†The end of the road and my end†It justifies my means†All I ever do is delay†My every attempt to evade†The end of the road"
"I'd do anything to have her to myself†Just to have her her to myself†Now I don't know what to do†I don't know what to do"
"She is everything to me†The unrequited dream†The song that no one sings†The unattainable†She's a myth that I have to believe in†All I need to make it real is one more reason"
"I don't want to be this"
"You suffered then/Now suffer unto me"
"(Don't go) I never wanted anybody more than I wanted you†(I know) The only thing thing I ever really loved was hate"
"You are nothing more - you are something less†Innocent†Fingers in your skin - Let my savage in†You deserve it"
"I can see you but you can't see me†I could touch you and you wouldn't even feel me"
"You don't even know the danger you are facing†If I'm quiet, I'll slide up behind you†And if you hear me, I'll enjoy trying to find you†I've been with you all day†I'm trying to stay calm†I'm impatient and it's really hard to breathe†I'm going to empty you and fill you in with me"
"Watching - bring me to my knees†Waiting - I am your disease†Lover - Set my symptom free†Covered - you won't feel a thing"
"This is the virus, the virus of life†This is inside us, the crisis, the knife"
"I see you in the dark/I see you all the way†I see you in the light/I see you plain as day†I wanna touch your face/I wanna touch your soul†I wanna wear your face/I wanna burn your soul"
"I won't you walk away without hearing what I have to say"
posted by Ravinder at 14:27
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Backstage workers
Sometimes popularity gets the better of people. And we tend to realise that those who we are close to are the only ones who care for us.
Well it's hard to imagine the fella in the corner of your class who is so quiet, it's hard to get in your head that HE cares for you too. In a society we are on now, we tend to forget all those around us. The people who actually cares for you without you getting to know about it are people I tend to label as "The Backstage Crew". These people are like those you find in a setplay, a drama set. These "Backstage Workers" are those who work behind you, who make sure that everything runs smoothly on the set.
These people are those who look like ones who don't even give a fuck about you. They are people who, even you feel, are redundant in your life for they just don't show their care. These people are those who you feel are fuckers cause they get you into trouble. Nah its not that. Its just that sometimes coincidently, when they wanna show their care for you, they tend to do it wrongly. They are those who scold you and call you names, but nah its not that they are evil, but they care for you and thats they say such stuff. And that's why you ignore them, thinking they are a nuisance; Its because they don't treat you "nice". Forgive them, for their harshness are just a wrong way to potray their care for you.
But I guess when time comes, you yourself will see how much care they have for you. They just don't show it cause they are shy to, and that these people are modest and they don't want any credit and plaudits for their care towards you. They are just the hard labourers who feel that rewards come in a special way.
So take your time to look, to look for these people. And chances are, you won't really be able to find any of them, why?
They are the Backstage Workers
posted by Ravinder at 10:56
Monday, November 27, 2006
Something to think about
"I didnt know what I had till I lost it
Has true love died? Has money become the apple of the eye for everyone?
Don't look at girls lah my boy. You don't have the looks.
Nothing sucks more than the feeling of being alone, no matter how many people are around you.
Those frowns, when turned upside down. They display one of the sweetest smiles everI got carried away.
Don't make my head big. Ego"
posted by Ravinder at 22:46
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Hypocrite- its me
In a unstable mind, things are done without thorough thinking. And yes, even when we tell ourselves that we will not regret anything, its untrue because you are saying it without conviction, cause that is what you want to hear and its because in that unstable mindset everything seems right. But when you knock back into a stable mind, you grief over whatever you have done, and everything you have said. It hurts you even more to think that the one you have affected is now totally traumatised to see you. And yes, maybe I am saying this in an unstable mind, and this post might not be here for long. But, just look at how much of an enemy we are to ourselves. We are the only reason why things go bad. Its never something or someone else.
posted by Ravinder at 22:26
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Carried Away
Don't let the fonts fool you, phools. Its something different.
Maybe in a way, when people get what they have been longing for, they get excited. Delirium gets pumped into the veins. The adrenaline sets in. All of a sudden everything goes your way. The whole world is glee-ing joyfully with you. The word "deprived" gets thrown away. "Deprived, what deprived?!" It seems that the word doesn't even ring the bell in you. Promises and words said before everything seemed forgotten. We get carried away.
It happens to everyone, one would imagine. But by any stretch of the imagination, do you wonder why it happens? I guess it's until you lose it thats when you recall what you did wrong. All those promises you made before suddenly make you feel so guilty as you don't feel that you had even stuck to your words. Agony prevails. Contemplation of a sweet return sinks in. But, its too late now isn't it?
People learn from their mistakes. But why do they repeat that same mistakes they have learnt from? The boy who's father lost his job.. That boy's father who had kicked the abuse of alcohol and dropped his 32-year fight with cigarettes, well that very same father has started again. He learnt from his mistakes, but yet, he returned to it. And the boy ponders,"Why does everything work like a cycle?"
It seems to him that joy lasts for only a period of time. Then agony comes haunting back and the fight to stay alive becomes a little more tougher each time it happens. And the boy, who has lost everything, has started reliving the memories he had with his one sweet love. Sweet yet bitter memories. Why bitter? Well think about the answer yourself. The boy was talking to me yesterday, and he told me that he was reviewing the conversation he had with her, and he filled up with tears as he looked through. Yet, the boy doesn't want to tell people why he cried. He feels people will think that he is faking everything, and that he feels that everyone will think that he wants sympathy. He told me," Sympathy is not what I need. The only thing I need, is her." Facade is what the boy is showing.
And till this day, the boy never forgives himself for doing this: Getting carried away. Reasons given to him were insufficient from stopping him from blaming himself till this day. The promises he made were not carried out fully. He blames himself for everything. He knows that what he did for the girl was something he NEVER thought he would ever been able to do. Such was the power of love that it caught him off-guard and it made him act in a way that even he himself thought was impossible. Mushy words he used, fear he diffused. He did things that melted her heart.
But he got carried away. He always told himself that he doesn't need anyone and anything else in his life. He only needs that special person but yet when she arrived, he got carried away. He wanted a simple life, with a relationship only visible in fairytales. He wanted to make his own success story. And yes he was succeding with her, but ego came in the way and everything faltered. His ego and his overflowing happiness killed him. " He was his own enemy"
She gave him the most memorable time of his life and this he truly means cause never was he able to last a smile the whole day. And emphasis on his birthday where he never cried. Yes unfortunately he cried this year on his birthday. Flashbacks and voice clips of the promise they made rang through his head and his birthday was something he wanted to avoid cause he didn't want to relive those painful memories. He was just wishing quietly that no one would have remembered his birthday as he just wanted to skip that day. He wished that that day would pass as fast as flipping the new page on a calendar. He is thankful to his friends who made the effort to make it his special, but he was crying and pouring within.
He still feels the guilt till this day cause he is unable to reason out. She knows that guilt is something that can kill the guy. This boy can take physical pain, but never torture him with psychological pain. He feels the guilt of stalking her and making her feel so awkward. He feels guilty. He can't help but to have this feeling. He was built for strength, but the power of guilt was so strong that it has brought him dragging on his own knees.
He just wished he could get this guilt carried away.
posted by Ravinder at 16:13
Friday, October 13, 2006
And the StoRY gOES...
Well Its BEen A WhILE SiNCe I UPDated. And YEah, I HAve a StorY I woULD lIKE tO Share.. Its A stOry AbouT THIS boy.. Its a StORy OF HIS lIFe. ITs just An AbstRacT OF 2 YEars OF HIS LIFe.. And HEre GOEs...
This BoY Was A Fella THAt WaS DiFFEreNt. HE AlwAys HAd DiFfErEnt VIEws And opinIoNS AbouT StUFf. HE HAd THE MEnTAliTy OF a DEtErmINEd PERsoN.. HE was UNfazED By ChallEnGEs In HIS LIFe.. THE reason BEinG, THE HArsH RealIty OF THE woRld MaDE HiM THIs waY.
HE Grew Up HIs WhoLE LIFe BEinG LAugHEd at For BEiNg UgLy.. HE was LAugHEd at CAusE HE lOOKEd lIKE a Girl.. He Was Left ouT WhEn HE MEt WiTH HIS CousiNS.. EVEn HIS Elder BRoTHEr Chose To TrEat Him THat Way. He CouLD OnlY Cry To HIMSelf, For ThoSe TEars HAd no HAnds tO Drip InTo.. HE Was AlWayS ONE OF THE First To Wish SomeONe A hapPy BIrtHDay, BuT His BiRtHDay Was AlwayS ForgOtteN.. HE NEver ONCe Did CelebRATE A Happy BirTHday.. It Was EiTHEr His PArenTs MAde HIm Cry oN HIS BIrthday For HurtiNG HIS FeelInGs, OR iT Was BEcauSe no ONE Cared On HIS BIrtHDay, Or IT Was BEcausE HIs FamilY HArdly HAd AnytHIng TO BuY for HiM On HIS bIRthDay..
It was EiTHEr hIS Dad Was druNk When HE had A HUGE PErfORManCe COmINg uP, Or iT Was Him moM HUrtiNg HiM LiKE HEll By USiNG Words THAt Even ANImals DiDnT DesErvE.. His Dad NEVEr ONCe saW HIM AcHievINg SomEthINg, LIKe PErformINg DurinG THE National Day Parade, Or At tHE Victoria Concert Hall.
His Mom USed TO ScOLD HiM to THE extEnT THAt WHen She LOSt HEr tEmPEr, She TOLd HiM A SeCREt THAt Was Never AlLowed To BE TOLD.. It Was a SeCREt THAt That BoY's GrandFAther ToLD HIS mOTHEr. "This Boy Will Grow up To BE a BAstaRD in THE FAmiLy. He Will BE a Jynx" Those SharP Words PIercEd THRoUgh THE sOUl Of THE POor YouNg FElla. HE Was HElpEss.. He HAd NO HoPE iN RelaTIonSHIps.. RejeCtIOn was THE StapLE Word USed IN HIS lIFe... nO ONe was THEre To PuLL hIM BAck tOGEtHEr.. "He CouLD NoT HAve LIVEd anyMOre," SoME PEople MiGHT have Been sayiNg..
BuT HE PROVEd THE whOLE WorlD AroUND him WroNg..
He Went AgaiNSt THE CruEl World.. HE Did ThINGS HIs way.. NOBODY was SuPPORtINg HIm.. HE was a LoNE WaRriOR FigHTing THe dEmoNIC PeoPle THAt Were HIS OWn FAmiLy.. THE friends HE HAd weRE THE ShieLD HE HAd.. NoT all ProVIDed It.. Some Were DaggErs IN DisGUISed, BuT HE FouND THAt ouT THe haRD way Too.. StIll with Grit, HE PrOVEd THE WhoLE world WronG.. HE PrOVEd His FamiLY wroNG By ScoriNG BEtter THAn AnyoNE else In HIS FamiLY For HIS "N" Levels.. HE PrOVEd EverYONE wroNg By BEiNG THE NICest BloKE in THE familY.. He HElped THE helPLEss, He StePPEd GlassEs To HElp PEoPLE.. His FamilY FouND tHAt HE ChanGEd So MUch.. no MORe was HE Mr. Ugly And Mr.Hopeless And Mr. Idiotic.. No MOre Was He THE JYNX or The Black Sheep OR RejeCt OF THE FAmiLY.. Now, HE was ReVEred BY All.. HE was THE LEadEr Of tHe PAck.. HE was THE ONE WhY PEopLE ChanGEd.. HE proVIded THEm THE HAte tHEy NEeded To Change THEir LIVEs.. He didnT MiNd BEinG HAted, as HE ToLD hIMself THAt As LOnG As THE PErsoN Changes IN A gOod Way, Even Though HE IS HAted, HE doesnT MINd.. HE doesnT MINd BEinG HAted iN oRder To HElp THE persoN Change.
His LIFe chanGEd Completely When HE MEt THat SomeoNE.. She ProVIDed HiM THE liGHt HE needed In HIS LIFe.. She ProvIDed HIm THE CouRAge To BE Who HE wants To BE.. She GAve him OnE tHInG HE never ExperiEnced: Happiness.. All HiS LIFe HE Was DiscrIMINAted For HOW HE LOOKEd, BuT FOr ONCe, SoMEONE saW His InNEr BEauTY.. She AppreciTEd HiM For Who He Was.. She loved his HEart.. She AlwayS saiD tHAt HE Was BEautIFul, Even ThoUGh HE USed tO DisagREe anD HE was AlwaYS criTICal AbouT HiMSelf.. She GAve Him the Extra Push When HE was ShoT. She GAve hIM THe ExtRA StrengTH To Go ON..
He HElPEd HEr ToO.. HE HElpEd HEr Curb HEr VICes.. HE Changed HEr LIFe iN A Way She ThoUGHT no ONE coULd.. HE KiLLEd thOSe Who mURDEred HEr RespEct.. HE Killed THE SuICidal PErsoN WiTHin HEr.. He Was AlWays THAnKEd, BUt HE NEver WanTed tO AccEpt THE PlaudiTS As HE DIdnT Want To GEt CArrIEd Away.. HE was WilliNg tO Go To THE enD OF THe worLD JUSt To Save HEr.. He was TryInG Every MEanS OF INStilInG THE ConFidenCe tHAt Was MurDered By HEr Peers And FAmilY.. In A way, She was A CArBon CoPY OF hIS LIFe.. THey HElPEd oNE AnoTHEr.. THey Were LooKEd up As Role MOdels To AtTAchEd PEoPLE As oTHErs ALWays THOughT THat THEY Were MAde for EacH OTHEr.. They NEver OnCe QuarreLEd.. THey NEver ONCe RAised THEIR HANDs OR VoiCes As THEY UNDerstOOD oNE AnoTHEr.. THEy CherishEd oNE AnoTHer.. When THeiR Forces Were ComBiNed, Even tHE StronGEst TYpHooN CouLDnt Break THEir GriP Of ONE anOTHEr..
His LIFe Changed As He was CelebRAtinG His BEst Ever BirtHDay on THAt YEar She came INtO His lIfe.. THey MAde A PRoMISe TO BE tOGEtHEr Forever on HIS bIRtHDay..
His FAmilY FiNAlly HAd MoNEY For hIM For HIS ClOTHEs oN hIS CeleBRAted OccaSiOn.. THey FinalLY ToOK a PhOtoGRapH OF a SmiLIng FAmilY On ThaT Day.. His Dad Was NOt JObless AnymORe, HIs mOM Was SmiLINg, He Was ThankiNg THe LOrd..
She Was HAppY ToO.. She TOLD HiM hOW Well HE TREated HEr.. She Was NEver TREatEd iN THAt Way BY HEr OTHEr BoyFriends BeforE.. She Was ON THE mOoN.. She Was FiNAlly SmilINg WiTHOuT THe FacadE.. She was EveryThinG HE NEeded, And He Was EverytHIng She neeDed..
THen THE TSUNami Came And WiPEd oUt THE HONEymoOn.. She LEft Him.. HE Was lifeless.. HE wanTEd to End IT All, BuT HE TOLD HiMselF THAt It Was aLL A nIghTMAre, and THAt HE Will WakE Up From It SooN.. TilL THIS day, HE caN NEver Accept THe fact THAt She Is GONE.. THE Way She Was SnatChed awAy FRom HIm Was THE MOSt GUt-WreNChiNg.. Till This Day, HE NEver ForGIVes THE GuY THAt DId THAt..
He was LIFeless, FloAting iN the aftermatH oF tHE tSuNAmi.. HE wanTEd tO Run AwAy.. HE was Still Goin On BecauSe OF tHE care HIs Friends Showed.. And Today, As HE reflects UpON What HAppEns, SomEthIN Else HAppened.. His FAther LOst His JoB Just days BeforE His BIRthdaY and HIS FEStiVE OccAsiOn.. And JUSt WheN HE THoUGht NoThiNG CouLD GEt Worse, It JUSt did.. HE is NOw In diSarray.. Now, Who Can He TUrn To? HIS friendS? Nah THey JUSt HUrt Him a LIL more.. NoT all OF THEm, bUt YEah, HE JUSt PreFers NoT SayiNG AnytHINg.. His famiLy? THEy HAve enoUGH TrouBLEs OF THEir OWn.. His girlFriend? She has Left Him, KIllINg Him iN THE proCess TO let HiM Suffer AlL THEse.. HE DoesnT BLame HEr For ANythiNg, BuT HE JUSt Wants HEr BAck So HE Can HAve suPPORt.. HE NEeds THAt.. He NEedS It NOW.. It aiNt Gonna HAppen ThouGh.. She Has AnoTHEr LIFe, THATs WHy She CanT ShOW HiM that..
YEah SO THIS IS THE stOry.. And the StoRY gOES...
posted by Ravinder at 18:27
Monday, September 18, 2006
ThE Chance OnlY haPPENS ONCe, And When iTS GONE, THAts WHEn ITS tOO LAte
SomeTiMEs yOU jUSt TaKE ThINGS FOR GRanTed. We HuMAn Are NEVEr HAPPy wiTh What We HAVE.. And I GUEss THE reaSOn Why I am HEre TAlkiNG aboUt THIs IS BEcauSe I Saw SomethING THAt RealLY toUChed ME.
It Was oN tHE tElly.. ThiS yOUNg BoY.. HE IS On ThIS SinGIng ShOW On One OF THE ChanNEls oN CablE. And I AdmIRe HIS coURAge BEcauSe, Well HE iS blinD. And GUEss WHat? HE MAde IT to THE fiNAls.. Doesnt iT intRigUe yOU? A PErsoN Who CanT See THE LYRics OF a SOng, A PErsoN Who CanT See THE MUSical NOTEs ON THe soNG Can MAKE iT THIs FAr.. No donT thinK tHAt HE Got intO THE fINals BEcausE THE jUDges piTIEd HIM.. Nah.. HE GoT in THrouGh HIS pURe GriTTy DetErmINAtioN anD SouL. THe way He SunG THat SoNg, It JUSt ShOWed So MUCh SoUL And coMpassiOn.. ThInK aboUt It..
YEah I AdmiT. Even I TAkE tHInGS For GRanTEd. We all Do THAt. I just ComPLAinEd to my Mum YEsterDay AboUt HEr BuYinG SauSages WhiCh Are Not reallY niCe, And ThinkinG AbouT It NOW, If THEse PAckets OF SausagEs Were To Be GiVen tO ChiLDren Who Are StarVinG, THEy Will GORge It DoWn, For tHEy KNOW THAt THIngs LIKE Food are HArd tO comE bY. Once WheN We HuMAns GEt Rich, We TEnD To Forget OUR HArd days Where We ScurriEd for CruMBS on THE FloOr, Where We Licked Rain Water FroM DraiNS To quEnch oUr Thirst.. What HAve We BEcoME? WE HAVE BECOME SELFISH IDIOTS.. YEaH YoU MiGhT Say StUFf lIKE,"When I was suffering, who came to give my family food." IsnT THat iNTErestIng? YoU KNOw HOW IT FEelS To BE iN Such A PReDicamEnt, Yet YoU doNT WannA HElp PEoPLE WhO Are FAciNg Such sitUAtiONs you Once Did? YEah YoU CanT HElp EveryoNE In THE worLD, BUt DoNT Stop YoURseLF.. DonT BE SelfISh
THE Same For lOVE. When We Are alONe, soME OF US KiNDa DREad IT and Always WiShed We HAd soMEoNE We CouLD Share OuR HAppiNEss And Sorrows With.. SoMEoNE We CouLD CuddLE at niGhT WhiLE Going To Sleep, SoMEoNE Who We CoULD EMbRAce In TiMEs Of NEed.. We TRy To BE SenSiTIVE to OtHErs Cause We Know IT Sucks To BE HURt. And WheN We FiNallY HAve THAt soMEone, We DonT giVE Two CahoOts AbouT oTHEr PEoPLE's FeeliNGS. We OnlY Care FOr OuRSelves. We DonT Care IF OTHErs Are BeinG HURt FroM oUR StinGinG Words. We forgEt THE ProMISes We MAde When We Were AlONE.. WE TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED.
I GUEss Its jUSt awAreNEss i liKE tO Bring UpOn.. YEah I Do TAke THINGs for GRanted, AND I Am AsHAmed. I JUSt DoNT wannA looK at AnyoNE NOW.. i GUEss iTS TRue.. ITS betTEr To BE HanDicap THEn TO BE NORmal Cause THEn YoU Will KNOW HOW DiffiCuLT It IS to BE suRviVinG WiTH soMEtHIng LEss and THats When YoU Will AppreciatE WhatEver YoU HAve..
LooK At iT.. If YoU Can AdmiT It, THAts When yOU kNOW THat You Are NoT an Ego-ist.. AdmIt TO yOUR mISTAkes.. Thats WhAt I wanNA BE lIKE.. ITs NoT WroNg BEiNg AshamED OF What yoU HAVe DONE NOW, As THE sayIng GOEs, iTS BEtTEr Now THEn NEver.. ITS BetTEr THAt YoU REalisE YOUR mIStAkes SoONEr RatheR THAn LaTEr. Because YoU WiLL REgret What yoU HAve DONE, And WHen YoU Wanna MEnd THInGS, THE Chance IS gONE..
posted by Ravinder at 14:39
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