Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Evaporate Sun

I, am the consequence of my own actions. I, create this person through the consequences of my own actions.

It's sometimes a blessing, I feel, when you can be told of your mistakes. And not just told, but to have it pointed out to you. It truly is a blessed thing to have.

I, for one, am not that very blessed in that aspect. Often, I learn of my mistakes through bitterness of relationships. It's the "point of no return" kinda bitterness.

To say that I am oblivious to these "mistakes" I make isn't fair. The understanding I have in me knows it's impossible to be honest about everything. After all, even censorship does exists in the highest form of human bonding.

I've always faced this issue. My moral dilemma, so to speak. Of course, I am quite intuitive, yet this intuition is always greeted with insanity. More of, me declaring myself insane. The naivety I have can be quite astonishing. You'd figure, after going through situations so frequently I should be able to pick out signs of distress easily. I do, yet, this experience in me doesn't help ebb away the brutal naivety I have. It's like, this naivety is locked up in a box in me, and while this box is in contact with my mind, it can only transmit and not receive. It can only produce, and not degenerate.

It's a big part of me, this what I'm facing. And I'm at times envious of the fortunate ones who gets their mistakes told to them. I wished I at times had that opportunity, to be told off and explain my actions. Unfortunately I'm not, as lucky. I'm not moaning my luck, cause it's just the way things are with and around me.

Maybe I chose this. This, hard way of living. You are the consequence of your own actions. You create that person through the consequences of your own actions.



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