Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Unlike Mirror Reflections

Recently, he has been seeing reflections of people on him. Events that took place for the past couple of days made him reflect on how it happened, and how they got to him.

Those days, he saw so many reflections. Reflections that didn't appear on polished metal objects, but in people. He saw a reflection of himself in others. He saw reflections of others in him. Others saw that reflection of themselves in him, the only thing is, they didn't realise it the way he did.

It seems as though most of his traits were influenced by who he grew up with. Yes the ones closest to you are the ones that influence you the most, be it family or friends. And that he realised one thing, as remembered himself vowing that he would never be like them, he was behaving exactly like them, and he realised that it was time for a change.

They say that when you start hating the world, the world starts hating you. He found that out by looking at his family. They say that when you trust no one, no one trusts you. Well, that too he found out from his family.
You see, the way he was brought up, he was told not to share with anyone, be it a close friend or relative, the problems his family used to face. Reason being, people would go around talking and spreading the news to others. They struck fear into him by making him realise that in this world you cannot trust anyone because life is the survival of the smartest, and that everyone around are the people we're fighting against to live.

You see, all they ever did was made this poor fella confuse whenever he thought about the fact that no one here is trustable no matter how they make you feel. They kept filling his mind with this mantra, and soon, this mantra embedded itself into his religious beliefs.
Instead of telling him never to trust anyone, they should say,"Only confide in those that you feel comfortable with. You don't have to go around sharing with everyone your problems." That's the difference between being naive and feeling that everyone is your friend, and being smart to know who to truly trust. Yes it is true not everyone is your friend, but it's also true that not everyones' your enemy.
Instead of telling him to hate the world for their own misfortunes, they should have said,"You make your own living, regardless of your surroundings. Instead of blaming it on others, blame yourself for letting this happen." That's the difference between being man enough to admit your mistakes and being a coward by blaming everyone but yourself.

But as they say, at the end of the day only you yourself will prevail before others. People could do all they possibly can to influence your mind, and sometimes it works, only for a while though because all of us have a mind of our own. Once when we start to doubt this belief of ours and feel uncomfortable practicing it, that's the sign. The sign that's telling you,"Hey, listen to yourself. Listen to what you want. Be yourself."

It is really true when they say the way you look at the world is the way the world looks at you.
At the end of it all, he realised; Don't be a hater when things in life plagues you. Don't start blaming the world about your own misdemeanors. The way you've handled things in life, no matter what the situation was, is only your decision, no one else. Only you make the final call, so don't blame it on others. Blame it on yourself.
Unlike the mirror reflections that he has been seeing on himself, he chose to see someone else. He chose to see him and him alone, no one else. Because, you make who you are, no one else.


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